Telegram has announced a significant update to its platform, introducing a new third-party account verification system. This innovative approach allows verified Telegram accounts, such as those belonging to public figures or companies, to verify other accounts within their respective organizations.
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This decentralized verification system aims to enhance user trust and combat the spread of misinformation. Verified accounts will be designated with a unique icon, and users can easily access detailed information about the verification process within the verified account’s profile. Telegram emphasizes that this third-party verification is distinct from its internal verification system.
In addition to this new verification system, the update introduces several other notable features:
- Enhanced Search Filters: Users can now refine search results to include only private chats, group chats, or channels.
- Custom Emoji for Folders: Users can personalize their folder organization with custom emoji labels.
- Enhanced Reactions: The update extends reaction capabilities to service messages.
- NFT Upgrades for Gifts: Users can now upgrade in-app gifts to NFTs.
Telegram also announced achieving profitability for the first time, driven by the success of monetization features such as Premium subscriptions, ads, and Telegram Stars.
However, Telegram has faced recent challenges, including legal issues. In August 2024, founder Pavel Durov faced legal charges related to the alleged failure to adequately address illegal activity on the platform.