Cape Town GeekDinner on 27 May

The 20th Cape Town GeekDinner will be taking place on Thursday 27 May at Da Capo (52 Shortmarket Street, Greenmarket Square).
As always, talks will be finalised just before the dinner, but talks that have been offered at this stage include:

  • The Open and Distributed social network wave, why it’s not an easy problem to solve (by Joe Botha)
  • 5 Life Changing Moments (by Jonathan Endersby)

GeekDinner logoAnyone is welcome to offer a talk for GeekDinner, so if you have something you‘d like to share, add it to the wiki. But do take note of the following pointers from the GeekDinner organisers:
“œWe want short, interactive talks – a quick overview of a cool idea, or an interesting way of looking at things. We prefer to stay away from the how, and the technical nitty-gritty, and get an idea of the what or maybe the why. We like to keep the talks short – about five minutes, plus questions. Bring your slides on a USB stick if you have any, we will provide a laptop and a projector.“
The main list is full at this stage, but if you‘d like to attend, add your name to the waiting list and keep checking whether you‘ve been bumped up – there are always cancellations, right up until the evening of the dinner itself.
You can also sign up to the announcement list or follow CTGeekDinner on Twitter to be notified about the next dinner as soon as the date and venue have been confirmed.