NetWeb Event taking place tonight

The NetWeb business community is hosting a networking event this evening (28 April 2010) at the Southern Sun Hotel in Main Road, Newlands. There will be an hour of presentations on issues facing entrepreneurs, followed by an hour of networking.
Bruce Wade of The Entrepreneur Incubator will talk about becoming a “20-tweener” in order to understand the new rules of business engagement, while Peter Greenwall of Logical Stupidity will present on “Pulling Ideas From Your Aspirations For Financial Gain”. The cost to attend is R70 per person, and snacks will be provided. The event runs from 18h30 until 20h30.
NetWeb April event invitation
Find out more about the event on the NetWeb site, and book your spot by emailing Pamela Tosh at
We heard about this event via the Cape Town Startup Digest. Join the Startup Digest mailing list to make sure that you don’t miss out on any startup and tech-related events taking place in Cape Town.