FriendFeed and why the fuss about it

Last year FriendFeed entered beta testing and on February 25th after raising $5 million, they managed to launch their service. Ever since, everyone at the corners are talking about how great FriendFeed is. I had to give it a try myself and see with my own eyes and so I did. I signed up for an account.
Voices in the market say FriendFeed is the Twitter of 2008, the hot startup on everyone’s lips, but to be honest I wasn’t very impressed with their concept because there are already places like Spokeo, Second Brain or Social Thing, but they win when it comes to accessibility and easy usability.
But what are they really good at? You can add different accounts from blogs or other social networking services and FriendFeed will aggregate them so that your friends can “follow” you and see what you’re up to. But wait, isn’t this exactly what you can do on Twitter? Probably so.
I don’t know about you but despite the fact that I get more and more “friends requests” I’m not really impressed with what FriendFeed has to offer. However, just like twitter they may have their own people to join that will make it big. I wish them luck!