WhatsApp has introduced a new feature allowing group admins to pin messages to the top of chats for a duration of up to 30 days, as outlined in a post on the company’s help page.
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To utilize this functionality, users can long-press on a message, choose “More…”, select “Pin”, and then specify the desired duration for the message to remain pinned at the top of the chat. While the default duration is seven days, users have the flexibility to opt for 24 hours or the maximum of 30 days.
This feature applies to any message type, whether it’s a poll, text message, video, or picture. Notably, group admins can also choose to make pinned messages visible exclusively to other admins. This enhancement aims to alleviate the challenges and frustrations associated with planning in a busy group chat, offering a convenient way to access important details.
In addition to the pinned messages feature, WhatsApp has introduced another tool to facilitate planning in large groups—the Voice Chats feature. Launched in November 2023, this feature expands on group voice calls, which previously accommodated a maximum of 32 participants. With Voice Chats, groups exceeding 32 participants can now engage in voice calls with a maximum of 128 members. Initiating a Voice Chats call will ring all the phones of the members in that group.
Importantly, the Voice Chats feature is end-to-end encrypted, ensuring that conversations are as secure as other messaging on WhatsApp. These additions to the platform aim to enhance the overall user experience, particularly in the context of communication and coordination within group settings.