iOS loses ground to Android in the US but gains global market share

The market share war between iOS and Android rages on. The recent release of flagship phones from both platforms has shifted some of the control across the battlefield. This see-saw battle usually tips a bit towards the Android camp when Apple are in their “S” cycle. And indeed iOS devices have dropped to an historic twelve-month low in the US operating system ranks between July and August 2015.
Android manged to consolidate ts already comfortable leadership position (in the US), rising from 64.4% market share in the three months ending August 2014 to 66.9% now. Apple’s 28.4% slice of the American pie is a significant 41.5% lower than that of Android. The Windows army isn’t really advancing in any way as they stay on exactly 3.5% (the same as last year).
However, the US is just one battlefield of a much larger war. According to the latest reports from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech Android seems to be losing out across many countries with Windows seeing the largest increase in market share (and that is pre-Windows 10). Microsoft can count on German, French, Australian, and even Chinese mobile audiences for the ecosystem‘s resurgence, and EU5 countries on the whole yielded a solid 1.6 year-on-year hike.
Kantar-OS-market-shareAndroid OS tumbled the worst in Australia, Germany, China, the UK, and France, though it remained the prevalent OS in all those markets. Add to that Italy, Spain, Japan, and of course, the general EU5 region. Apple’s iOS secured its second spot from London to Berlin, and Beijing to Sydney, enjoying remarkable upsurge in Australia, Japan, and the UK, only dropping in Spain.
What would be interesting to see is how the internal Android civil war is faring as Samsung, HTC, Sony, LG, Huawei and others jostle for their share of the Android customer base.
Source: PocketNow
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