iPhone Tip: Visit the Settings Menu Often? Try out IconSettings

Android users have always had one great feature – you can easily jump to a specific setting that you need to change often with one click. This is usually done with a quick widget, and it works a whole lot faster than trawling the Settings menu to find what you are looking for.
There are certain items in the iOS settings menu more often than others. For example, I set my Brightness multiple times a day, and it gets a little tedious to go through multiple clicks just to change the brightness. Sure, you could jailbreak your iPhone to install SBSettings, but what if you do not want to go through that hassle? Luckily some enterprising South Africans (iPhoneZA) built a great site that hosts script files that contain shortcuts to any item in your settings menu.
So how do you do it? Just as an example, I am going to add the “Brightness” shortcut on my Home Screen:

1) Take your iOS device and go to the Iconsettings webpage: http://iphoneza.co.za/IconSettings/

2) Click on the “Brightness” link

3) When it is clicked, the phone will ask you if you want to “Open this page in Settings”? Click Cancel

4) Click the Shortcut button at bottom, middle, and choose “Add to Homescreen”

5) A Text Entry field with the relevant icon will be displayed. You can edit the name if you wish, then click “Add”.

6) The Icon is thrown in the Home Screen, you are now to move it wherever.

Done! Now just repeat with other regularly used Settings items, like I did above.

Update: Here is a good video guide:

Great to see some cool iPhone hacking tools coming out of SA. So which Settings Menu do you access often? Let us know how it goes!