The Avenida Paulista in Sao Paulo is the location of the headqaurters of D3, a digital production company that works with advertising agencies on the creation of interactive experiences. Their talent and creativity, core elements of their business, are clearly reflected in this office space designed by Estudio Guto. The space measures a relatively small 575 sq ft, making the correct use of space especially important. As a result, furniture was designed with wheels to allow flexibility of the layout and the participation of staff to reconfigure the room in a way that suits them at any given time. “Workstations can be constantly rearranged and the space can be configured as a big meeting room, a video game round or even a movie session.“
Interactivity is taken to a whole new level with a number of fitted sensors around the space that detect both sound and movement. The signals received by the sensors from staff and visitors are translated into different coloured triangles that display the relationship among people and the environment.
Source: Stephen Searer for