Feedalizr 2.1

News just broke that lifestreaming aggregator, Feedalizr, has made available their latest release – ver 2.1. We previously wrote about Feedalizr here which comes out of the MIH Swat stable. Feedalizr has been re-architecured breaking away from the shackles of FriendFeed. Which means Feedalizr now has full client support for Twitter, Flickr and Jaiku so you no longer need a Friendfeed account to use feedalizr.

Full client support for Twitter means that you can now use Feedalizr as a Twitter client on your desktop enabling you to do tweets, direct messages and favourite tweets. This also means that when you like or comment on one of your friend‘s pics in their Flickr feed on feedalizr it means that this info is reflected instantaneously on the page on Flickr and not just in Friendfeed.

With the release Feedalizr also has a new user interface and the task tray ‘toaster’ is now horizontal instead of popping up vertically leaving you with a lot more space on your desktop. Feedalizr has also built in de-duping so now you will not see duplicate entries for Twitter, Flickr and Jaiku.


As mentioned earlier Feedalizr has been re-architectured which allows the SWAT team to release new versions to market a lot quicker. The retech also allowed them to fix memory usage issues making Feedalizr more responsive and less resource intensive for your cpu.
For the full list of new features and changes take a look at the changelog. Get the latest version of the Feedalizr here.