“rAge. Coca Cola Dome. Be there!”
Thats the words uttered to me before I got handed my Press Passes to this event. I looked down at these 2 red swing tags, with a bold PRESS written all over it.
“Err, ok” I stammer. Being a Capetonian, I dont know what this ‘rAge‘ is all about. I pop onto their website quickly to check out what its all about.
“The ultimate computer, gaming and technology expo! Now with 60% more floor space!”
“Thats great”, I think to myself. But is it going to be any good? I’ve been to several Computer things in Cape Town, and while they were informative, and nice to go to on a boring Saturday afternoon. But was this to be something extraordinary? Seeing as I AM in Jozi, where everything is surposed to be bigger and better.
I continue reading…
“expo is set to be bigger, better…blah blah blah…the launch of the Xbox 360” Ooooh! “biggest ever gaming LAN in South Africa, and tons of awesome freebies, giveaways and competitions” Oooh! “blah blah blah…NAG” Ooooh!
So after a bit of reading, seems like this is worthwhile…even if it is for an afternoon. I actually get excited! And the prospect of taking my new camera [Canon EOS 20D] for a walk, sounds like a good idea to me.
The weekend finally arrives, and I get on my way. Map book in one hand, steering wheel in other, I actually make my way to the Coca Cola Dome first time. [insert proud glow here].
Walking in, I proudly flash my oober special Press Pass to the attendants, and get ushered inside.
At first, all I could do was stand there and look. Look. Further looking. Not an inch of space hasn’t been utilised for something. Whether its posters, stalls, banners, gadgets, boxes, screens, consoles, everything, is, just, there!
This is what I’m talking about:
If I had ANY idea what this event would be like beforehand, it maybe came to a 1/5th of what it really was! I easily spent 3-4 hours just walking around, looking, taking pics, talking and buying [way too much! Damn persuasive promo girls].
Overall, this was something which I am glad I didn’t miss! And you can bet your bottom dollar, next year, I will be the first in line for this event again.
Herewith, I introduce some more pictures I took. Yes, there where plenty of Promo Girls pics, but I don’t think you going to complain now, are you? No, I didn’t think so…
The VIP Zone….
Some actual hardware…
And they knew I was coming, so they made special arrangements. 😉
The Xbox 360 took the spotlight…
And of course, all my adoring fans. Was hard to keep them away…
So thats my first blog! wow, I’ve passed a mileston.
Seagram Pearce
Zoopedup Mod & Photographer