The controversial internet hacking group known as Anonymous has created a retrospective video called “LulzXmas” that looks back at a year of anarchy and subversive activism. The video provides some insight into what some of its members remember as significant incidences of 2011.
The video is a complicated, disjointed montage of images including news headlines, popular YouTube videos, documentation, Anonymous’ exposure in the public and other seemingly random imagery. While the video doesn’t give a clear idea of the groups’ perspective, it does comment on censorship, public unrest and revolution.
Anonymous announced the video in the following tweet: “@YourAnonNews: ANONYMOUS LULZXMAS VIDEO: We made a list, checked it twice. Gonna find out what companies have been naughty“¦not nice.”
The tweet is a clear warning to all companies that have been naughty over the past year, implying that they they will be punished as Anonymous states in the introduction of the video: ” We do not forgive and we do not forget”.
Watch Anonymous’s LulzXmas video below:
Source: Mashable