Vodacom puts Cap on Blackberry Internet Usage, Throttles more than 100MB pm (Updated)

Updated: Vodacom’s CEO, Pieter Uys, finally clarified this issue in a statement.
This one is short and sweet folks. You know that Blackberry you got because of uncapped data usage? This might make a few folks sour:

Vodacom studied usage patterns to better understand the causes of congestion at peak times and one surprising finding was that more than 95% of BlackBerry data usage was attributable to less than 5% of users.  Speaking about this, Delport said, “œWe need to ensure that all BlackBerry users are able to enjoy the service that they pay for.  When we realised that such a small minority was using the bulk of the capacity, we decided to implement measures that will ensure that Blackberry users will enjoy a better browsing experience overall.“

Steps have been taken to ensure that the 95% of the BlackBerry users who are currently using the service fairly are not impacted by those who are abusing the service.
Basically what Vodacom is proposing is that all users using more than 100MB in a month will have their service downgraded to much slower 2G speeds. That gives you 3.3 Megabytes of nice fast data per day…
Now 5% of users might not sound like much. But Twitter has been all abuzz about this announcement, and @garymeyerza put it into perspective:

One way around it – get your phone activated for Blackberry Enterprise Service. Apparently the usage cap is not yet active for it…
Maybe someone with a IT legal background can tell us if this is legal? Can Vodacom go back on its service level agreement with Blackberry users?
You can view the new amended rules of BIS service here.
PS: Some irony pointed out by @saulkza: R49 actually gets you 100MB of 3G data.
Updated: Keep in mind that BIS typically compresses data between 2 and 4 times, so it means actual monthly data might be between 200MB and 400MB before being throttled…

    1. because it remains uncapped after the 1st 100MB…just slower. Your R50.00 for 100MB means your connection will drop dead after 100MB.

      1. And if you dont get 3G connection in your area and you speed is already slow then what.  Or is the 100MB for 3G use only

      2. And if you dont get 3G connection in your area and you speed is already slow then what.  Or is the 100MB for 3G use only

  1. Interesting, 100mb is very little though, surely more than 5% of their users are doing more than 100mb a month.
    Smart idea but they need to put a more realistic cap in place.

  2. Dear Vodacom,
    If you read this, please know that i am seeing red. The only reason I stay on your overpriced network was for the Blackberry unlimited internet offer. I’ve happily renewed my contract last week and I’m now paying 970ZAR per month to use the BB 9900 with BIS (talk 500) – I’m okayish with that provided I can open my email attachments and browse the web without worrying about my bill.
    If you decide out of the blue to cap me, I call BS and will go through the pain of finding a new operator as promptly as I can. Massive Brand Fail.

      1. Would you have to stay with the contract until contract completed?  Does the Consumer Act not protect against exactly this type of thing (i.e. where you signed the contract based on unlimited / uncapped and as this will now change the contract can be cancelled by consumer?)

      2. Would you have to stay with the contract until contract completed?  Does the Consumer Act not protect against exactly this type of thing (i.e. where you signed the contract based on unlimited / uncapped and as this will now change the contract can be cancelled by consumer?)

      3. No, if any changes have been made to a contract without the prior permission of any party  who agreed to it, it is null and void.

    1. you know about the consumer protection bill that vodafone ie vodacom is breaking use that to force them to leave it uncapped trust me they already have a case to answer for contract that not to tha comsumer bill

    2. you know about the consumer protection bill that vodafone ie vodacom is breaking use that to force them to leave it uncapped trust me they already have a case to answer for contract that not to tha comsumer bill

    3. I agree with you Max. I am also on Talk 500 and use my phone for work and for that outrageously high subscription we have to pay they should know that it is for a legitimate reason why the usage may be high. If they want to decrease the usage, they should pass it on to pay as you go subscribers who I am sure use it only for BBM and personal email usage. I will not be renewing my contract with Vodacom.

    4. They wint cap you for that, its the bastards that have cracked programmes and download movies and things. Your norma functions will work fine

  3. This is a great way of freeing up the clogged bandwidth used by BIS – by pissing off a large number of users with the data cap and force them to switch networks…  Come on Vodacom, surely this is not the way to treat customers?  In any case, it will not make much difference if you do drop my connection down to 2G speeds – I very rarely get 3G speeds in any case in my area – which is part of the Cape Town Metro area!  My BIS connection is already very unstable to say the least. And it is great to see how the networks can change one of the key conditions and benefits of my contract – is this even legal?

    1. These days it’s so difficult to get good service ANYWHERE! I left MTN
      after I sent my brand new contract phone in for a faulty speaker and
      received an unusable phone back, with motherboard destroyed by the
      technical dept. MTN just refused to fix or replace the phone and I had
      to finish the 2 year contract without the phone I was paying for.  The
      letters from my lawyer was just completely ignored. So I switched over
      to Vodacom! Is there no proper service providers in this country

  4. Hold on a damn minute. How are people ‘abusing’ the service if it’s uncapped? Uncapped is uncapped. That’s why you get it. If you’re finding bandwidth a problem Vodacom, use some of those billions you make every year to upgrade it.

  5. Lol what a waste! that was the only reason ppl use BB. Coz of the cheap, unlimited BIS. And 3 MB a day!? Thats nothing. Rather use an iPhone etc. with a data bundle than use a crappy BB with limited, expensive internet. Works out the same right?

  6. I hate that  Vodacom is allowed to change the rules as and when it suits them. Screwed up New South Africa, they sound more and more like the government!

  7. Which is why I have told these smucks I will not be renewing my contract with them this year!! Not only are they actively capitalizing profits at their customers expense, they also make a habit of downgrading the options a contract renewal has. This years “upgrade” would have had me getting a phone with less features, a smaller camera and slower internet access, they also told me that my phone of choice was only available for new contracts. I’m moving over to another provider who is not only giving me the phone I want, but also added extra’s which far outweigh any loyalty I may have had to Vodacom after being a customer for ten years

    1. They don care about you………. they have got to big and they will continue to behave like this until there is a propper alternitive.

    2. They don care about you………. they have got to big and they will continue to behave like this until there is a propper alternitive.

    3. These days it’s so difficult to get good service ANYWHERE! I left MTN after I sent my brand new contract phone (had it 4 months) in for a faulty speaker and received an unusable phone back, with motherboard destroyed by the technical dept. MTN just refused to fix or replace the phone and I had to finish the 2 year contract without the phone I was paying for.  The letters from my lawyer was just completely ignored. So I switched over to Vodacom! Is there no proper service providers in this country anymore??!!

  8. Yes. I do not seem to read all the of the article that Kees Bruggemans of FNB writes anymore. Just about the 1st 5 to 6 paragraphs. So now I use bandwidth on my laptop to finish it. Vodacom gets it in anycase.

  9. This is absolutely absurd! I wonder if vodacom would mind if that 5% decided to leave them!? I guess that would mean they’ll roughly loose 5% profit? Which I would guess is A LOT of money!? Bye bye to 5% friendly shop assistants!? P.S. Even if I’m not affecred: I’m still very dissapointed in Vodacom

  10. OK, let me get this right. We pay for “uncapped”, then halfway through the contract, we get severely capped, and this is acceptable? Surely we could cancel our contracts? 
    But I guess never being able to get 3G anyway is part of the Vodacom package. 

      1. These days it’s so difficult to get good service ANYWHERE! I left MTN
        after I sent my brand new contract phone in for a faulty speaker and
        received an unusable phone back, with motherboard destroyed by the
        technical dept. MTN just refused to fix or replace the phone and I had
        to finish the 2 year contract without the phone I was paying for.  The
        letters from my lawyer was just completely ignored. So I switched over
        to Vodacom! Is there no proper service providers in this country

    1. i never get 3G my old BB curve is faster than my torch, LOL vodacom just caught me coz i upgraded stupid me.
      bu i got two more that are due for upgrade for about three years so we movin!!!!!!!!
      bunch of clowns>>>>>>

    2. i never get 3G my old BB curve is faster than my torch, LOL vodacom just caught me coz i upgraded stupid me.
      bu i got two more that are due for upgrade for about three years so we movin!!!!!!!!
      bunch of clowns>>>>>>

  11. Hey everybody!  Join my fan club (for just R100 a month), and you will receive airplane tickets to any part of the world whenever you want them, for free.  Of course, people might abuse this, so I might have to change airplane tickets to bicycle rides in your driveway…and on your own bike…
    Hurry – while stocks last! 🙂

      1.  they not removing the Cap they Just slowing your Speed Down to 2G, What Uses a differnt bandwith removing congestion to the faster 3G, Read the Articall Not the Title, Title Should be Changed!

      2.  they not removing the Cap they Just slowing your Speed Down to 2G, What Uses a differnt bandwith removing congestion to the faster 3G, Read the Articall Not the Title, Title Should be Changed!

  12. I left Vodacom for Cell-C Redbull, R225 a month, 200 free minutes, 100 freem sms’s and 500mb free a month… can’t beat that.
    Vodacom’s service is the worst I’ve ever dealt with anyway… It’s easy to move, just need a little bit of patience to cancel the contract.

      1. You have to wait it out, the renewal is usually 2 months before the 24 months period expires, I found out the exact expiry date from vodacom, then sent them an email with ID book attached stating I want the account converted to prepaid on the exact date of the expiration, they will try and get you to go to the end of that month, up to you. Once converted to prepaid you can walk into MTN or Cell-C and port your number when you sign up for your new contract, a few hours later, done.

      2. You have to wait it out, the renewal is usually 2 months before the 24 months period expires, I found out the exact expiry date from vodacom, then sent them an email with ID book attached stating I want the account converted to prepaid on the exact date of the expiration, they will try and get you to go to the end of that month, up to you. Once converted to prepaid you can walk into MTN or Cell-C and port your number when you sign up for your new contract, a few hours later, done.

  13. if only 5% cause the problem, is the right answer not to improve the network for future users that will have similar patterns? our data appetite is going to grow, not wean, and so i view this as a warning of future demand. it shouldnt be managed down like this…

  14. For many hours every day, my blackberry service drops. I literally have to reboot the phone to activate it which reactivates the connection. It is extremely frustrating. It also appears to be common among many Vodacom users. Now they are capping data?!? I use my phone intensively for business purposes and i get hundreds of emails from many different email accounts every day. Cheers Vodacom and Cheers Blackberry. Hello iphone!

  15. For many hours every day, my blackberry service drops. I literally have to reboot the phone to activate it which reactivates the connection. It is extremely frustrating. It also appears to be common among many Vodacom users. Now they are capping data?!? I use my phone intensively for business purposes and i get hundreds of emails from many different email accounts every day. Cheers Vodacom and Cheers Blackberry. Hello iphone!

  16. All service providers are throttling the BIS, not just Vodacom. They just happen to make everybody aware of it. Look at the internet service providers, all these companies that offer “uncapped” actually use the throttling method as well.
    Any form of internet service in South Africa are overpriced and underprovided! in the UK, South Korea, America and Japan users are receiving speed of up to 16MB! that’s right, 16MB (Japan -and as standard nogals)!
    Following are the top ten countries of the world with respect to their Broadband Internet speeds:
    South Korea -17,187 kbpsJapan -16,365 kbpsLithuania -11,295 kbpsSweden -11,280 kbpsRomania -10,236 kbpsLatvian -9,782 kbpsBulgaria -9,074 kbpsNetherlands -8,734 kbpsGermany -7,447 kbpsRussian Federation -7,260 kbps
    When it comes to Internet service providing, we are being butt-raped and being told to smile and bear it!

    1. I am in the UK…..I
      promise you, it is the same speed as SA……I hate that “up to”
      statement.  We are definitely not 16mb here, that is BS!!

  17. All service providers are throttling the BIS, not just Vodacom. They just happen to make everybody aware of it. Look at the internet service providers, all these companies that offer “uncapped” actually use the throttling method as well.
    Any form of internet service in South Africa are overpriced and underprovided! in the UK, South Korea, America and Japan users are receiving speed of up to 16MB! that’s right, 16MB (Japan -and as standard nogals)!
    Following are the top ten countries of the world with respect to their Broadband Internet speeds:
    South Korea -17,187 kbpsJapan -16,365 kbpsLithuania -11,295 kbpsSweden -11,280 kbpsRomania -10,236 kbpsLatvian -9,782 kbpsBulgaria -9,074 kbpsNetherlands -8,734 kbpsGermany -7,447 kbpsRussian Federation -7,260 kbps
    When it comes to Internet service providing, we are being butt-raped and being told to smile and bear it!

  18. Agree with guest’s response to Simon – there is no cap, it is just slower after 100 MB, the headline “Vodacom puts cap” is misleading, except if you consider a definition of cap that includes throttle. Pieter

  19. Agree with guest’s response to Simon – there is no cap, it is just slower after 100 MB, the headline “Vodacom puts cap” is misleading, except if you consider a definition of cap that includes throttle. Pieter

  20. I just upgrade to BB. My contract did not say anything about a capped service. They can take the phone and contact and shove it if they do it. Three  words Vodacom: Comsumer Protection Act!

  21. I just upgrade to BB. My contract did not say anything about a capped service. They can take the phone and contact and shove it if they do it. Three  words Vodacom: Comsumer Protection Act!

  22. I dont mind the cap but 100MB limit is insane.  I would atleast expect 500mb – 1Gb. My phone is mostly used for emails and im sure i use more than 100Mb a month just for emails. 

  23. I dont mind the cap but 100MB limit is insane.  I would atleast expect 500mb – 1Gb. My phone is mostly used for emails and im sure i use more than 100Mb a month just for emails. 

  24. Relax! Under the consumer act, you guys will have a ball! 🙂 Happy times!!! Vodacom in the trouble!!

  25. If it was a 200 MB threshold I would support this “capping”.  100 MB ?!! come on guys ?!!

  26. If it was a 200 MB threshold I would support this “capping”.  100 MB ?!! come on guys ?!!

  27. Oh good luck to them, my cellphone bill is in excess of R4000 per month, and I was advised by them to go the blackberry route, not the iphone route, due only to the fact that I am a high user – my entire business is run from my BlackBerry, if they decided to cap me, all hell would break loose, security would be removing me from their premises on a daily basis… I have also purchased BlackBerry’s for all my staff, combined billing is over R12000 per month and yes we are high-users – and as such our phone bills are higher – most likely in proportion to the usage.
    What the idiots should look at, is most likely the 5% of “naughty” users make up for as much as 30% of their phone revenue, as reps on the road need to have uncapped emails etc, but because they are on the road, they also have higher phonebills….

  28. Oh good luck to them, my cellphone bill is in excess of R4000 per month, and I was advised by them to go the blackberry route, not the iphone route, due only to the fact that I am a high user – my entire business is run from my BlackBerry, if they decided to cap me, all hell would break loose, security would be removing me from their premises on a daily basis… I have also purchased BlackBerry’s for all my staff, combined billing is over R12000 per month and yes we are high-users – and as such our phone bills are higher – most likely in proportion to the usage.
    What the idiots should look at, is most likely the 5% of “naughty” users make up for as much as 30% of their phone revenue, as reps on the road need to have uncapped emails etc, but because they are on the road, they also have higher phonebills….

  29. I agree with Dominic Lee. Vodacom is essentially penalising ALL it’s BB subscribers for the few that are abusing the BIS service. Vodacom- catch a wake up. a company as massive as yours should have the resources to limit ONLY THE PEOPLE WHO ARE ABUSING THE SERVICE! i have been a loyal vodacom client for going on 9 years now, but if you are going to be the most idiotic network arounf by implimenting the 100mb cap- then i dont see why i should stay with vodacom when my contract comes up for upgrade. the biggest attraction of having a blackberry is the uncapped internet. think about your customers before you make stupid decisions. you tweeted that this will improve service? it will- but only for the first 100mb. if you go over that-you’re fucked. WAKE UP VODACOM!!!!!!!!!

  30. I agree with Dominic Lee. Vodacom is essentially penalising ALL it’s BB subscribers for the few that are abusing the BIS service. Vodacom- catch a wake up. a company as massive as yours should have the resources to limit ONLY THE PEOPLE WHO ARE ABUSING THE SERVICE! i have been a loyal vodacom client for going on 9 years now, but if you are going to be the most idiotic network arounf by implimenting the 100mb cap- then i dont see why i should stay with vodacom when my contract comes up for upgrade. the biggest attraction of having a blackberry is the uncapped internet. think about your customers before you make stupid decisions. you tweeted that this will improve service? it will- but only for the first 100mb. if you go over that-you’re fucked. WAKE UP VODACOM!!!!!!!!!

  31. Wonder how will they get past the fact that we as consumers bought a vodacom contract under certain agreements, and according to the new consumer protection act you can return your purchase/cancel your contract if you don’t get what they had promised you at the time of purchase. I bought my BB for the unlimited internet browsing at 3G speed. If they downgrade me to 2G, I don’t get what I’ve paid for and I will cancel my contract with Vodacom.  By the way, how can one “abuse” the service if you use the product/service that you pay for and how it was agreed to on signing the contract?

    1. Vodacom states that 5% (yes, A MERE 5%) of vodacom BB users were abusing the service by downloading up to 310Gigs in 30 days. i agree that they could consider that as abuse bacause, if you had to work out the airtime equivillent of that download (at vodacom’s usual R2 per mb) that amounts to a whopping R620 000’s worth of revenue that vodacom doesnt receive. by all means- cap THOSE assholes, but dont punish the rest of us that use the service responsibly! i mean, like i said in my post- im sure vodacom has the resources to single out those 5%, considering they are a major corporation. they can monitor everybodies individual usage, so they should also be able to limit only certain people. and about the CPA (consumer Protection Act) Vodacom will argue that in your contracts, they stipulate that they reserve the right to change the terms of any part of their service plans. what i would suggest everyone do- read through your contracts and lets try find something to nail these bastards on

      1. all you have to do is scratch out that section in the contract, sign it, get the shop manager to sign as well, so if and when vodacom decide to change anything on your contract, you may then take them to the CPA as it wasn’t what you agreed to! 🙂

      2. all you have to do is scratch out that section in the contract, sign it, get the shop manager to sign as well, so if and when vodacom decide to change anything on your contract, you may then take them to the CPA as it wasn’t what you agreed to! 🙂

  32. I will gladly switch to cell c or mtn as long as they don’t implement similar measures. It is the principal that matters, if I cant use my “unlimited internet” as it was intended, then it’s off to android for me…

  33. I seriously can’t belive you guys are so surprised… Think back to a few years ago and remember VLive… If you thought this was gonna last forever and didn’t learn from that experience with the networks as they are you were very optimistic. Blackberries have horrible firmware as it is, and things like this will push people to (finally) realize that blackberries are the most over-rated things for a long time. I really can’t wait till people stop jumping on the bandwagon.

  34. Ever since I got my bb I have always had a some out of the blue problem with vodacom. What a nightmare.
    Vodacom just knows how to make our day. Keep it up and you will certainly need another colour change maybe even a new name because you might just close down.

  35. And in the TYPICAL style of making us pay dearly for the little we already get – they want to take half away!!!!! I will so cancel my contract and let them black list me for this. How can I loose this one? Clearly they are not keeping to their contractual agreement with me hence I can break my side of the agreement – Useless fools we are all seeing RED now !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36.  Apart from the (previous) uncapped internet usage, why should I choose Blackberry above other smartphones?  Worst is that it does not automatically sinc with my calender /email ( server at work).  I believe iPhone offer so much more now (especially if i get the phone free)?So, please give me any reason why I should stay on Blackberry?

    1. There is no reason. Blackberry is sub-standard when you compare it to iPhones, high-end Androids and WP7 phones. The future lies in those 3 OS’s, Blackberry’s suck, and most people are duped into buying that over priced brick, because of the supposed data advantages.

  37. There is no cap. It’s just downgrading the speed. Please understand the article and ignore the title.

    1. the definition of a cap is either limiting the amount of data that can be downloaded, or throttling the SPEED. so by definition- THIS IS STILL A CAP!!!!!!! and before you try and argue- speak to an IT professional. plus- it’s a permanent “downgrade” of speed- which classifies as a cap

    2. the definition of a cap is either limiting the amount of data that can be downloaded, or throttling the SPEED. so by definition- THIS IS STILL A CAP!!!!!!! and before you try and argue- speak to an IT professional. plus- it’s a permanent “downgrade” of speed- which classifies as a cap

    3. the definition of a cap is either limiting the amount of data that can be downloaded, or throttling the SPEED. so by definition- THIS IS STILL A CAP!!!!!!! and before you try and argue- speak to an IT professional. plus- it’s a permanent “downgrade” of speed- which classifies as a cap

    4. the definition of a cap is either limiting the amount of data that can be downloaded, or throttling the SPEED. so by definition- THIS IS STILL A CAP!!!!!!! and before you try and argue- speak to an IT professional. plus- it’s a permanent “downgrade” of speed- which classifies as a cap

  38. Vodacom has always failed. Overpriced…seems the big wigs at Vodafone are finally having an effect. Shame everyones noticing now

  39. o hell no!!!! i use my blackberry for private as well for my work… theres no way in hell you gona say i am abusing the facility

  40. The reason why we bought BlackBerry is because of the uncapped usage but now if vodacom feels this is how they wish to treat us today because we made them so damn rich then we should consider legal actions and move to Cell C after we win the case,they spend too much money on other useless things instead of investing in us the customers.vodaselfish,we must remember that vodacom is the only overpriced network in SA and not offering anything that is worth the price,if u have a signal related problem the ask u to write an assignment and still respond late to the problem sies

  41. If Vodacom goes through with this we will see how many customers they lose. I emailed this link to RIM (Which writes BB’s software) just now since they are not aware of this. We wil see what the outcome of this fight is gonna be ……. If vodacom does that its a breach on contract and service level agreement with RIM. The RED network is gonna become a DEAD Network for sure, I will switch over to MTN within 24hours. They are a bunch of money driven (no loyalty to there curtomers) focussesd company, its good for them to give their customers shit phone deals on contracts for which you have to pay in, that way the shareholders and CEO make more Millions a year they can spend as bonusses. Use the money to upgarde tyour networks to handle the banwith you selfish bastards !!!!!!  

  42. The 95% are using 8520 curve phones on OS5 which can’t download anything bigger thn 6mb the rest of us with phones running OS6 are only limited by the size of our memory cards

  43. Is Vodacom just throttling speeds to speeds similar to 2G ( EDGE) but leaving 3G open or are they disabling your 3G usage on your phone to accomplish this resulting in the inability to Video Call. ?

    1. To add on to my comment, I think a better idea is for Vodacom to throttle speeds on certain activities only for those users and not all ( Shaping),ask the question, what are these people doing to abuse the network ? and throttle them there , instead of impacting the whole user experience.
      100mb is nothing these days , I hardly consider that abuse

  44. Is this not a breach of the Consumer Act?. This is essentially changing your service you are paying for. Let say your device is 3G enabled. You paying X for the service. If you bought the device to get your data uncapped at a 3G speedS then this decision is a clear breach of contract. My wife uses bLackberry and we regularly due to overseas call spend more than R4000 with vodascum. If they go ahead with this then I am going seriously have my contract declared null and void. Note to vodascum I am going to see a lawyer about this. They cannot without consulting me change the terms of a contract I signed and I am paying for. They are affecting the quality of my service(what service I ask at times). Red is a good colour for them. The colour of angry clients looking for a new telecoms provider.

  45. I work in Ghana, but have SA links. Here Vodafone (same family) have a reasonable usage limit on Prepaid BB which is set at 2.5GB per month. Post Paid here is for corporates only so 95%+ of market is prepaid.
    The Prepaid BB package here has the following addons, which Post Paid doesnt = 100 free minutes; 50 free SMS; reasonable usage to 2.5GB of data for GHC45.00 per month (ZAR approx. R220.00)
    So if a smaller service entity within the greater Vodafone group can prevail with such sanity why not the largest on the continent.
    There is no mention of throttling here, the network just doesnt function at time, which could be another way of managing bandwidth usage! But that’s another issue altogether.
    Changing contract expectations be damned, deliver what you offer and stick to it.

  46. Vodacom/Vodafone is making sh** because the thing I love about BlS is that I can browse and browse and browse – and BBM. I don’t think I abuse the service – not intentionally anyway. How will this affect me?

  47. scary to hear some of your thinking , its funny hw ppl react to.
    take a look at the service ,Vodacom had some abuse to the BB service and the rest has to pay the price.
    As far as i understand the BB service is uncapped however there is stil an issue of network costs Vodacom fits the bill for . I was told Vodacom have a 10mb link used for BB , surley when 50000 od jump on start downloading movies  or series or browse or whatever this link is going to be over utilesed – go find out the cost of an international circuit out of SA 10mb compared to the the rest of the world – its geographic location ppl to build infrastructure in  or out of SA is jus not cheap…
    Bad experience ppl come on we all own business and we all in it to make the moola why would vodacom be any different ??? so you didnt get what you want , look else where, compare speak to someone snr at vodacom look at the option what ever stop becoming this bunch of whining south africans make a damn difference and do something constructive .
    Theres CELL C MTN and now 8ta and everyone has their own experience …

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