Updated: Vodacom’s CEO, Pieter Uys, finally clarified this issue in a statement.
This one is short and sweet folks. You know that Blackberry you got because of uncapped data usage? This might make a few folks sour:
Vodacom studied usage patterns to better understand the causes of congestion at peak times and one surprising finding was that more than 95% of BlackBerry data usage was attributable to less than 5% of users. Speaking about this, Delport said, “œWe need to ensure that all BlackBerry users are able to enjoy the service that they pay for. When we realised that such a small minority was using the bulk of the capacity, we decided to implement measures that will ensure that Blackberry users will enjoy a better browsing experience overall.“
Steps have been taken to ensure that the 95% of the BlackBerry users who are currently using the service fairly are not impacted by those who are abusing the service.
Basically what Vodacom is proposing is that all users using more than 100MB in a month will have their service downgraded to much slower 2G speeds. That gives you 3.3 Megabytes of nice fast data per day…
Now 5% of users might not sound like much. But Twitter has been all abuzz about this announcement, and @garymeyerza put it into perspective:
One way around it – get your phone activated for Blackberry Enterprise Service. Apparently the usage cap is not yet active for it…
Maybe someone with a IT legal background can tell us if this is legal? Can Vodacom go back on its service level agreement with Blackberry users?
You can view the new amended rules of BIS service here.
PS: Some irony pointed out by @saulkza: R49 actually gets you 100MB of 3G data.
Updated: Keep in mind that BIS typically compresses data between 2 and 4 times, so it means actual monthly data might be between 200MB and 400MB before being throttled…