Steve Jobs' greatest lesson to developers

There are a number of great lessons we can learn from Steve Jobs, but this week (at the WWDC 2011 conference) he has left us with arguably one of the most valuable: Do not build on rented land.
A number of startups this week are sitting around looking at one another and asking themselves what they should be doing next. They are doing this because Apple in one sweep cloned all their features into the new iOS update. Everything from Dropbox to Instapaper have now essentially been rendered redundant on Apple devices.
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
In the 80’s the world witnessed the rise of the tech giant Microsoft, and by the 90’s as the web emerged as the future of technology and an essential new frontier to conquer. The web browser Netscape ran on the Microsoft platform, but to Microsoft they needed to dominate this new arena. Microsoft quickly launched the now infamous Internet Explorer, they bundled it in together with their operating system free of charge. This essentially crushed Netscape and other browsers at the time trying to compete. Microsoft was also accused of changing their API to give competition a hard time. This ordeal almost meant the end of Microsoft as the US government took them to court for abusing their monopoly.
Since the days of Bill Gates ruthlessly killing competitors in this way, not much has changed… The difference now is that it’s easier to get away with it. No longer do platform owners need to explicitly package a disc into the bag of software they sold in stores. The crime now happens through a simple download or a tweaking on their servers.
“œWriting desktop software has become a lot less fun. If you want to write desktop software now you do it on their terms, calling their APIs and working around their buggy OS. And if you manage to write something that takes off, you may find that you were merely doing market research for them.“ – Paul Graham (Y Combinator)
Do not build on rented land
Building on someone else’s platform at the end of the day is like building on rented land – you can find yourself having invested tons of resources into something that you do not own and ultimately have no control over. The irony is that in technology, if you are doing very well on someone else’s platform you are most in danger of getting the worst deal. Because if you do well on someones’ platform it means you are filling a gap that the platform owners have an interest in filling themselves.
It happens all the time and on all platforms, think for a second about Twitter. Look at how them launching a retweet button rendered the efforts of TweetMeme wasted and them introducing photos into the stream killed off TwitPic’s hopes and dreams for the future. Something as simple as altering the API call limit can kill off hundreds of clients and apps that depend on Twitter for their bread and butter.
Let’s wake up to the reality that ultimately platform owners are not really your friends, they are your future competitors. Start building applications that are less platform dependent and offer value above and beyond just filling a feature gap.

  1. I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at here? Obviously, as a developer, if you’re basing your business’ “product” on feature gap, don’t be surprised when that gap gets filled.. 
    Also, as you’ve pointed out as well, apps which offer more value will always win out in the end. Dropbox vs. AirDrop. Dropbox isn’t going anywhere, it offers way more value than AirDrop. That’s innovation, and a platform can’t beat that.

    1. My point is simple, platform owners will take the best ideas out of it’s ecosystem and turn them into native features – like it or not. Basically don’t be surprised when it happens, because it happens all the time.

    2. Bullshit!
      You help these platforms gain traction/stickyness by developing functionality for their audience which they can’t be bothered to build – then when it gains serious traction the platform clones it and kills off the independent developer.
      You don’t see Facebook doing this, Twitter and Apple are punks!

  2. The biggest problem to me, is that a lot of companies early on encourage developer involvement by creating a great ecosystem (see Twitter). The API was the reason Twitter is where it is today. It naturally evolved. Now that Twitter has a 200 Million+ users and starting to worry about where their next paycheck is coming from, they fill the holes that developers were making money off.
    It is like asking your neighbours to help you move into your new mansion and then not inviting them for a braai afterwards. You are being a dick. 
    In the future, I see most platforms (such as Twitter and Facebook) as a distribution avenue. It is a great place to start as the users are there. Once you have the users, move them off to your garden.

    1. Exactly, great analogy. Opening up your API and asking people to improve your product and then screwing them over afterwards is a dick move, but one that seems to be repeating itself fairly regularly.

  3. “Everything from Dropbox to Instapaper have now essentially been rendered redundant on Apple devices.”
    That’s some serious absolute language. Instapaper creator Marco Arment remains optimistic (see ), and I agree with him. He built a multi-platform solution, as your conclusion stated, so I can’t see Instapaper going anywhere.
    I do agree with your final point. It’s important to realize that the product shouldn’t be the app. The product should be the problem you solve for users, on multiple platforms and in a simple, integrated way. Those are the apps that will survive (and even thrive) despite any changes that occur on Apple or another platform.

  4. This:

    A number of startups this week are sitting around looking at one another and asking themselves what they should be doing next. They are doing this because Apple in one sweep cloned all their features into the new iOS update.

    And this:

    Everything from Dropbox to Instapaper have now essentially been rendered redundant on Apple devices.

    doesn’t add up.
    So Apple steals a couple of users from Dropbox. Big deal. Windows is larger, and the Android ecosystem isn’t exactly small. Dropbox’s strength is its cross-platform compatibility. Accessing your data regardless of which platform you use is the whole point of services like Dropbox and Spideroak.
    Airdrop only works an Apple devices. Therefore, nobody cares about it. Except Apple users. But then again, they’re already locked in there. About which, of course, nobody cares 😉
    Even if Apple adds support for other platforms, I don’t quite see why people would move. I won’t. I know many people who won’t. Reason? Dropbox works. Moving = hassle.
    That said: I completely agree with the core point of this post. Depending on other platforms for survival is just plain stupid.

  5. This:

    A number of startups this week are sitting around looking at one another and asking themselves what they should be doing next. They are doing this because Apple in one sweep cloned all their features into the new iOS update.

    And this:

    Everything from Dropbox to Instapaper have now essentially been rendered redundant on Apple devices.

    doesn’t add up.
    So Apple steals a couple of users from Dropbox. Big deal. Windows is larger, and the Android ecosystem isn’t exactly small. Dropbox’s strength is its cross-platform compatibility. Accessing your data regardless of which platform you use is the whole point of services like Dropbox and Spideroak.
    Airdrop only works an Apple devices. Therefore, nobody cares about it. Except Apple users. But then again, they’re already locked in there. About which, of course, nobody cares 😉
    Even if Apple adds support for other platforms, I don’t quite see why people would move. I won’t. I know many people who won’t. Reason? Dropbox works. Moving = hassle.
    That said: I completely agree with the core point of this post. Depending on other platforms for survival is just plain stupid.

    1. My point there was just that on Apple devices they were now being competed against by the platform owner. Which in the case of Apple is not something you can shrug off as not being a big deal.

      1. Actually – if I was a developer, I’d be much more worried if Microsoft integrates the platform I’m building on into Windows.
        You’re overestimating Apple’s influence.

  6. Haha, this post really made me laugh, because I saw it coming. But I do agree with your points, they are completely valid.
    But who rents a property and fixes up the place, and cries when the owner decides to sell it and pockets the profit? Its a natural cycle of life.
    If you really want to play it safe as a developer build your own hardware and software, then nobody can “steal” it from you. But chances are it will not do great in the market, so your investment will go down the tubes before it gets a chance to fly.
    A good number of people have made a good packet of money from building and selling apps through Apple, to the tune of 2 billion USD according to Steve Jobs this week.  Which other company has done so much for developers?
    If Apple then decides to take the best apps and create their own version of those apps, well good for them. It is their device, their API, their OS after all. Developers are guests who have been given a lovely office with air-con and unlimited coffee where they can make a lot of money for themselves.
    I really do not think any of the big developers are really too worried as this article seems to imply. They saw this coming a long time ago.

    1. Well, I think people simply don’t think about building on someones API as something potentially dangerous. They just build. Hopefully after they read this post they get it.

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