Daily Maverick today announced that it will launch iMaverick, South Africa‘s first daily newspaper specifically designed for the iPad. Due to premier in August 2011, iMaverick is currently being promoted with an exclusive offer that enables consumers to sign up for R395.00 pm and receive an iPad 2 bundled with the subscription to iMaverick.
“œThe iPad is transforming people‘s experience of news and content. We‘re taking the next logical step with Daily Maverick by launching a fully-featured newspaper that helps readers understand the world by giving them the best read on their tablet every day.“
“œIt makes sense that a subscription based, daily iPad newspaper is the next generation of Daily Maverick. We‘ve been credited for upping the game of providing news, analysis and commentary since we launched,“ says Branko Brkic, the founder of Daily Maverick and editor of the soon to be launched iMaverick.
“œSet to debut in August 2011, iMaverick will be a daily newspaper for South Africans who care about their brains and want to understand what‘s happening in the world for the cost of a daily cup of coffee. Anyone can distribute information – all you need to do is subscribe to a news agency and cut and paste articles. We take a radically different approach with original, crusading journalism and opinion that seeks to challenge people‘s thinking. We create understanding,“ says Brkic.
Daily Maverick has enjoyed solid growth since its debut late 2009 due to a philosophy of offering the best quality news-content by an award-winning editorial team. This has seen Daily Maverick grow from a zero base to 100,000 unique visitors in 18 months.
“œWe will extend our editorial team to include some big name journalists to deliver this country‘s daily iPad newspaper every weekday from mid August,“ says Brkic. “œWe‘ll be making full use of the iPad‘s technology, glorious colour, full connectivity and multimedia capabilities to again challenge the way that news is reported on in this country and reshape the boundaries of journalism with our subscription-based newspaper.“
Brkic says that Daily Maverick will continue to publish at www.dailymaverick.co.za as a free offering for readers. “œiMaverick will radically extend the beats we traditionally cover, and will combine long and short form writing so readers can see all the important news at a glance, but also delve deep into the issues they care about. .“ Subscribers to the daily iPad newspaper can expect to see regular coverage of business, politics, current affairs, sport, entertainment, technology and health.
Readers who want to receive an iPad 2 to enjoy iMaverick can subscribe to SA‘s first daily tablet newspaper for R395 per month over 24 months.
For more information on how to subscribe please go to www. imaverick.co.za