I reckon the the gaming community is at a funny point in its history.  To get here, we first had to recognise that we are, in fact, a community. And nothing fosters self-awareness like derision.
In MAD magazine, in movies like Revenge of the Nerds and Grandma‘s Boy, society learns that game geeks are pasty-faced asthmatics who rarely, if ever, venture into the Big Outside. Our hardware is potent, our sexual frustration formidable. We are this guy:

"What are YOU laughing at? I've got your banking details right here, biaatch!"

Or at least we thought we were.
Gamers everywhere began to embrace, and even celebrate, their limited athleticism and excruciating pick-up lines precisely at the point when it became obvious that not all of us were the same.
Turns out, some of us look this:
"Hey there, impressionable young male." (Source: OliviaMunn.com)

Let me sabotage my own argument for a second, by saying that I am not a hundred percent convinced by Olivia Munn, anointed hottie of the entire gaming subculture. As a host of G4TV‘s popular Attack of the Show, it is Munn‘s prerogative to be entertaining. When you‘re resorting to Wonder Woman costumes and faux lesbianism often as she does to make a point, however, your vaunted “œgeekiness“ is just as predatory as it is patriotic.
I digress. There are gamers who look just like Olivia, the point being not that gamers are an untapped source of sexay, but more importantly, that we‘re all different.
Blame it on the Wii, blame it on PopCap if you like, but the reality is that we now have gamers who look like this:
This is Old Grandma Hardcore. Currently, she's enjoying Final Fantasy XIII. (Source: Old Grandma Hardcore)

Some of us have kids. Some us do yoga. Some of us have tans! We‘ve grown up from being a group that lives consistently, spectacularly, up to our own stereotype to a motley diaspora that‘s brought together only by the one thing that matters: we frikkin‘ love to game.
It will be a sad day when gamers prefer airbrushed idols and perfect-ten spokesmodels to represent them, in favour of grade-A geeks like Shigeru Miyamoto (bless him). Just because we‘re a regular looking bunch these days doesn‘t mean that we should forget our proud heritage of suspenders, dorky hair and braces.
Personally, I don‘t want to live in a world where this guy couldn‘t be considered a God amongst men-with-Gamecubes:
"Hi, my name is Mordecai."

  1. Awesome. Very funny. Honestly don’t care what gamers look like as long as I never have to live with one who doesn’t wear headphones, ever again.

  2. LOL Awesome article! I have to admit, I’ve met some hot gamers. The stereotype definitely doesn’t apply anymore. And jocks are also “gamers” these days, yay for consoles? Hehe

  3. Great article and true! I dabble in some online gaming and the other day I was asked: “Are you really a girl or do you just say that so that people won’t attack you”.
    Anyway I think it’s either a case of less “”gamer” like people embracing games or “gamer’s” themselves changing their image. Regardless there are plenty of the old school gamer’s left, just visit the computer science department at you local university! 🙂

  4. Agreed, Nicole, but I think this is slowly starting to change. Gamers used to be so nice towards me when I played Ultima Online, they did almost everything for me (well attempted to, I didn’t allow them to :P)
    But these days, they are so cheeky! And changes are that if you tell them you’re a girl, they will attack you anyway. I think we’re approaching an age of equality in gaming 😮 Love it!

  5. We had this conversation and an article was written by one of our ledie formites, and it was very interesting. When it comes to gaming if you put yourself out there that you are a girl gamer, you will get harrassed but if you join the club of arb aliases then you will be welcomed as a casual gamer.

  6. I think there is a difference between a gamer and a geek.
    A gamer is a little snot nose teen that think he/she can do the same in the real world as in their little fantasy world. They think because they play a superhero or a WWII action hero they can do the same in the real world. thinks its cool to go to war and that they wont die etc. They think they are indestructable as their character. News Flash, there isn’t a quicksave in the realworld!
    A geek is a more often than not a person of high Intelect, not neccesarily a Goodloking guy nor a socializer.
    And Yes GEEKS rule the world.

  7. @Ex_Jock
    In some cases I would agree with you… But also regardless of what Sex or how a person looks, to me a gamer is a gamer is a geek 😛 if I play against a person whether it’s online/offline I will make it a challenge and will not back down from a decent fight haha… IMO I believe that if you can play great if you can’t well you better get started 😛

  8. It’s kind of annoying these days, fact is almost anyone plays some console now and again or some Sims.. But that doesn’t make one a gamer. Everyone is quick to call themselves one though. To me a gamer is someone who attends weekend lans, sleeping 3 hours max during that time.
    It’s also sad to see the jocks in the online gaming world now days, switching between conversations regarding how they control their recoil to how much they benched at gym on the weekend.
    I think it’s got to do a lot with gamers feeling as though they’re going to remain virgins forever if they don’t compensate their gaming with their gym ego. I miss the days when geeky things were just that geeky, at least slightly. Nothing is sacred anymore, not to say one has to look like the above, but now every loud mouthed jock is claiming he is a ‘geek’ just because he has some software knowledge and knows how to control a mouse and listen to strats.

  9. @johan
    I completely agree with you. Ok so I called myself a gamer before, but that was just to tease the angered ex_jock guy. To be worthy of the name “gamer” you have to actually be good at gaming and you need enough gaming experience.
    I chat on IRC quite a lot, and it’s sad how a lot of guys call themselves “GAMERS” when they have only been playing games for about a year. Also, gaming reviews are done by people who don’t even have a lot of experience in the field, and I know for a fact that most of them don’t even finish the games they write about. OK, end of rant 🙂

  10. Ugh, people still think they can say who gets to be a PROPER GAMER and WHO DOESN’T OMG FAKER? Why do you get to dictate who has fun, and how they do it? A gamer is anyone who plays games. Stop being so precious about labels.

  11. Hahaha. Reading through this article. I have yet to meet a sexy looking woman who would be interested in gaming and technology as much as I am, let alone be interested in me. LoL.

  12. As long as gamers practice good hygiene and at least try stay somewhat fit and healthy then who cares what they look like? There’s nothing that can fix genetics, just take care of yourself.

  13. I disagree just a little with you Michael. I put “female” on my profile and if someone calls me “brother” I’ll correct them simply because I am female and I’m not going to hide it (and also if you chat with me in about 5seconds you’ll think I’m either gay or female anyway)
    I havn’t been harrassed at all, maybe flirted with a bit but that’s easy enough to stop. In fact I’ve pretty much been treated normally…
    Granted though, I’m not an uber gamer and therefore have limited experiance to draw on 🙂
    @ex_jock: The person you described as a gamer sounds more like someone in need of psychiatric help to me.
    To me a gamer is someone only interested in the game: ie playing/coding/artwork etc of the game.
    A geek may or may not be interested in games but is always interested in math.

  14. No ways those graphics displayed on that monochrome screen in picture 2. Thats an 8086/8088 1980’s computer, screen would have been 2 colours, black/green or black/yellow.
    I vote myself hottest gamer in SA 🙂

  15. You all have a misinterpretation of gamers, well most of you, gamers are people, these days people that are just normal, if you look at me you wouldn’t say that i am a gamer, neither would you say any of my friends are gamers, but yet, we are, we attend LAN parties every month, we game at home, and online…
    Have any of you who don’t game ever gone to a BIG lan event? If you have, you will see that there’s no way that you can say how a gamer looks, because all 300 gamers there look totally different, you see bodybuilders, skaters, businessmen , surfers, punks, goths, emo’s , HOT!!! girls, ugly girls, same with the guys, you see rich ppl, “gansters”, poor ppl, tall ppl, short ppl, ppl with acne, ppl with faces as smooth as a babies bottom, and the list goes on and on…
    So plz just stop trying to say how gamers look! oh and another thing, geeks know about computers and consoles, and math and science, gamers are not geeks, most the gamers i know dont even have math as a subject in shcool, and become pro sportsmen or some other thing that has nothing to do with tech, so plz dont ever put geek and gamer on the same page again!!!
    article is not too bad

  16. I used to be a gamer myself, pasty faced asthmatic… It was awesome to go to Lans ( started LAN when 3dfx Voodoo 1 was cool). Used to Lan trough the weekend, eating take aways with no sleep. Competition was fierce. Geeks are really competetive, and with a lack of social skills verbally very abusive. After studying I am now happily married to a wonderful women, biking, fishing, outdoorsy type person. When I started working spent R 20,000 on a pc. Nowadays I only use it for internet and music! Every gamer’s life will change eventually so your parents can be proud of you! People playing x-box, Wii are not real gamers, you are only a gamer if you can set up a network, crack games and play 8 hours straight without feeling the need to socially interact…

  17. This has become quite a hot topic over the last couple of years…mostly because the actual gaming industry is so fierce. All people who play any form of game should be considered a gamer in my opinion.
    Some people prefer PC to console or Xbox to PS3. I love gaming in any form. I bought a R15 000 PC in June last year and 2 months later used my tax return to buy an Xbox Elite. (Wait, this topic is about what gamers look like…)
    Yes, I do need a tan, but it’s mostly because I work in theatre and spend most of my time inside. As for social skills…mmm…I need to have some, since I am a lecturer at a university; no, not computer science, or Bcom…I teach drama…and I watch rugby (in fact, I LOVE it.)
    I do think that there are the stereotypical “nerdy” or “geeky” looking gamers out there. But what makes them less acceptable than typical jocks? They’re just applying themselves differently…
    Trying to make gaming cool seems redundant. People who want to game, will game. I’m really not impressed or excited to know if some pseudo-hot girl also plays games. Example: I hate The Verge. It looks like someone threw all the marketing research together and came up with it…as a gamer, I find it pretty insulting.

  18. Geeks are losers who serve in a digital world.
    Gamers rule this digital world, and rock reality too! 🙂

  19. Gamers are people who play games. There is nothing more to it.
    Nerds are gamers who take gaming more seriously than others. They dont just play any game, (this would be a sin to them) they play the best games.
    The word “Geek” is given to people who know anything (really… anything) about PC in front of an elder, who knows nothing about PC’s.

  20. Excellent article!!
    I game around 14 hours a day..
    But admit I don’t look like Mordecai there. Heehee.

  21. Interesting post, and while making a few solid points, I also think you’re in a way forgetting a fundamental part of this age-old stereotype.
    When you say: “we’re all different, we do yoga, we do sport, we have kids…etc”, I think you are referring to the casual gamer.
    The casual gamer has a life, friends, a goal and most importantly social skills, because after all, its a casual gamer, I’d like to see them as people who prefer playing games in their tv-watching time.
    On the other hand, you get geeks, and I don’t speak of the rare breed of people who test, review, write or do anything gaming related for their daytime job.
    I speak of those kids in the picture’s who drive 200km to go to rAge, who likes to dress as their favourite gaming characters whenever they get the chance.
    Those players who use internet meme’s in their everyday humor vocabulary and write on forum’s in the famous abbreviated internet language.
    The only common knowledge they have gathered is about and around gaming, which renders them socially inept.
    They spend all their money on computers, games and the liking.
    These above reasons is what leads a geek to look like the people in these pictures : Their lack of social skills, their lack of fashion sense and their inability to participate in the most basic of conversations.
    Imagine now we take the 2nd picture in the article with the wooden backdrop. If that guy got a nice NYC rapper hat, wore a football jersey with some sneakers and a loose jean, get contacts and shave his moustache, he would look almost identical to Turtle from Entourage, and we would all go out of our ways to give him as much high fives as possible.
    The Geeks aren’t our roots, they are the reason we have to write articles like the one you wrote.
    They feed the undeniable stereotype that if you’re a “geek” you have no hygiene, you have no social skills, you probably have no money, Bill Gates and a few others being exceptions, not examples.
    I’m an avid gamer, I play as much as I get the time to, but I do work, I study accounting, I gym everyday, I go out with friends 2-3 times a week, and still I am quite embarrassed to tell a girl that I am a gamer in fear of being stereotyped as the “geek” you speak of.
    This might sound like a rant, but I believe the “geek” lifestyle isn’t a case of being passionate, its a case of giving up in your own life and immersing yourself into a virtual life where you are KRATOS, the slayer of God’s and not Steve, the kid with the fishbowl hairstyle and the excuse slip to almost everything!
    The point I’m trying to make is that instead of thanking or paying tribute to the people who led us to this stereotype, lets distance ourselves from them and stand proud as Gamers, and not geeks. After all, thats what we are, we play games, we dont live them.

  22. I am a gamer. Been fragging noobs since Quake 2 and play for a COD clan these days. Playing games is my escape from real life. That’s why gamers used to look like Mr. Mordecai del Chompers there. It is a world where your physical inadequacies don’t matter, because your lightning fast sniping or lvl.25 lightning bolt will f$%ck sh1t up.
    These days though, it’s not just the social outcasts that lose themselves in virtual space. Life is hard on everyone, even the jocks that bench 140kg at the gym. It’s a place that we can all go and vent or get away from taxes, traffic, debt, Malema, whatever.
    Some people do drugs, some people do games 🙂

  23. Whats all the debate about the word Gamer? If you drive a car, doesn’t that make you a driver? If you go to work every day, doesn’t that make you an employee?
    Whether you’re a casual gamer, or a frequent one, you’re still gaming regardless, it’s not an occupation, it’s a hobby, and there are no requirements you need to meet in order to be a gamer other than to actually… game.
    Geeks aren’t limited to science and technology, you can be a car geek, an MMA Geek, a fashion geek, or a gamer geek, it’s just a term used to describe people who are perceived to be overly obsessed with one or more things including those of intellectuality, electronics and so forth. Who cares who calls themselves a gamer, and who doesn’t, if you’re a jock that benches 240 in the gym, then afterwards you rack up a pavelow, and some harriers in MW2, for a 30kill streak, and after that head out to the bar to meet some friends, then so be it, there are no rules to who can, and who can’t be a gamer, there is nothing like a true gamer, only someone who games more, and more often than other people.

  24. I’m a gamer who loves space and science, i’m pretty spiritual too. I go out regularly, pretty well known, and i let EVERYONE i know that im a gamer and a geek and i don’t care what anyone thinks. I do, however, HATE science, and im not book smart. i like to learn hands on or through teaching myself. I play games every day and i really REALLY appreciate every game because of the work that goes into them (well most of them atleast).
    I play around 6 hours total per day yet i still bike ride, cook, longboard, play piano etc. ( i seriously do ;])
    so yeah, a gamer and a geek can be anyone. as long as they play games and/or like knowledge (not necessarily math, i hate math)

  25. I started when there was only atariin south africa…and the beloved 20 cents arcade games in the late 80’s….im in my 30’s and im still a avid gamer the pleasure that i got from games nothing could compare…it’s not the amount of hours u put in to be called a gamer…my opinion…that u enjoy it…and like all things in life..that when u do it often enough u will be good at it..

  26. We all know that true gamers don’t follow the rules.
    They have a shaggy-like hairstyle, short hair punks are usually posers!

  27. im not a gamer but i play xbox, dreamcast, pc, playstation, gba, nds… i LAN, play offline, online (not on xbox yet:( so sad… wanna move to USA or UK or a place to play xbox as it should)… hmmm way off target but its not what you do or play its all up to you…

  28. lekker article joy to read… (coloured piece of me showing itself) but it’s truely a brilliant article

  29. Excellent blog! I genuinely love how it’s easy on my eyes as well as the information are well written. I am wondering how I might be notified whenever a new post has been made. I have subscribed to your rss feed which need to do the trick! Have a nice day!

  30. There is definitely the old stereotype associated with a gamer. But i think all that has changed in the last few years. The “tech” industry has made a lot of money and a lot of the beneficiaries who used to be the nerds of the past have become more appealing then ever before. It seems the nerdier you are the better you are these days.

  31. Geeks may rule the world,
    but chefs rue the world.
    Gamers are people
    People are varied
    ergo Gamers are varied.
    All definitions are a moment in a spectrum of moments, which definition you choose to use to define this thing or that thing, says more about you than the thing you attempt to define.

  32. It’s also sad to see the jocks in the online gaming world now days, switching between conversations regarding how they control their recoil to how much they benched at gym on the weekend.

  33. what does a gamer look like
    They spend most there time indoors
    they wear baseball caps and other hats alot is normal red
    they also wear white arm bands on both or one forearm
    they will have stacks of enegry drinks on cola
    you will see pizza guy out to the same house 2-3 times a week
    they wear game related t-shirt and shirts
    they will stand out in a crowd as they will have a bad posture they will have a look on there face
    like they just dont care what you have to say what happening like they a in a game in there mind they will get
    easyily distracked
    you will find alot need glasses due to eye damage from games
    most of they paycheck is used on gaming stuff
    they wont leave the house more than a few hours
    they wont leave the house alot in a year
    they will have barly no friends
    they will have a headset on there head sometimes even know they outside
    they will be seen in shops like Game and Gamestop when they are out
    they will be high up in computers gaming stuff and phones
    you will notice they will be playing some sort of hand held game when outdoors
    they will be kinda fat

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  35. Hi Im a gamer. And im addicted too gaming.
    They can call me what they want, i really dont care less.
    Id always win my fights, but never start or instigate them.
    I played first team sports at school and was regarded as cool, but at heart i only wanted to play games.
    All i do now with my time is play games. I love gaming and it take’s me into my own world.
    People can laugh at us all they want, call us nerd’s or whatever they want, but if they read this, i got up too alot of mischief too and was even investigated by the CID and not for hacking but just been a kid, who also enjoyed games.

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