Renowned leaker Evan Blass has provided a sneak peek at Lenovo’s transparent laptop concept, expected to debut at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona later this month. The leaked press image unveils two of these innovative laptops positioned on a desk, with one device transparently visible through the screen of another. This revelation marks our second glimpse of the concept following earlier leaked press shots published by WindowsReport.
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Transparent screens are not entirely novel, having surfaced in concept devices for over a decade. Samsung showcased a transparent laptop concept at CES 2010. However, after 14 years, companies appear poised to commercialize this technology. Transparent OLED window displays have already appeared on trains in China and Japan, while LG unveiled a transparent Signature T television at CES, slated for release in 2024.
If Lenovo indeed unveils the device at MWC, it will be intriguing to hear their rationale for a laptop with a transparent display. The utility of seeing through a laptop screen remains dubious, especially in typical desk settings where it’s easy to peer around the device. However, such a device may cater to receptionists and frontline staff who interact with customers, albeit raising privacy concerns if screen content is visible from behind.
Beyond its transparent screen, leaked images suggest Lenovo’s concept laptop will feature a flat, touch-sensitive keyboard. Additionally, a stylus is visible in Blass’s image, hinting at potential drawing capabilities on its display. The Windows 11 wallpaper depicted in the images implies the device’s operating system.
However, it’s essential to temper expectations regarding the concept’s commercial release. Lenovo previously showcased a rollable laptop at MWC last year, which never materialized into a retail product. This raises doubts about whether the transparent laptop concept will follow a similar trajectory.