5 ways to ensure an Android app is safe to use and legit

While apps downloaded from an official store like the Google Play Store are generally free of malware and other nasty stuff, a bad app can sometimes slip through the cracks. But if you’re careful and follow some simple practices, you can keep malicious apps off your Android smartphone. Alcatel recommends some ways to check if an app is safe before you download it, they include:

  • Look at when it was released and how many times it has been downloaded

If you’re downloading a well-known app, a recent release date or a low number of reviews and downloads may indicate there’s something wrong. It could be a fake, adware-infested app rather than the real deal. You’ll find this information near the bottom of the product listing in the Google Play Store.

  • Read the reviews

If an app is flooded with one-star reviews or has next to no reviews at all, that could be a red flag. Likewise, if it has only five-star ratings, that could mean the app is too good to be true. In addition, other Android users might warn you in their review if the app is malicious.

  • Read the app description

If the title and description of the app is riddled with spelling or grammar errors, it might be a sign to investigate further. It’s not unusual for app descriptions to be badly written, so it’s not a certain sign. However, legitimate developers will usually want to project an air of professionalism.

  • Look at the permissions

Rather than clicking through the permissions as you install the app, take the time to check what permissions it wants to have granted. Beware if it asks for dangerous permissions, such as the ability to read, receive, or write sensitive information. Ask yourself if the app really needs that permission to work properly – why should a solitaire game want access to your location or a calculator access to your messages?

To check permissions: Open the Settings app >> Tap Apps & Notifications >> Tap the app you want to update >> Tap Permissions >> Choose which permissions you want the app to have.

  • Research the app and the software developer 

Under the app’s information section, you should be able to find a link to the software developer’s website. Clicking their site might be able to put your mind at ease. If you are still not sure, you can Google the app to see if there any negative news stories about it—type in the app’s name along with keywords like ‘scam’, ‘adware’ or ‘reviews’.