The iPhone 6S and 6S Plus opened for pre-orders a few days ago and Apple is already struggling to match the demand. As they usually do, the iFixit crew waited in line in Australia and have started their teardown process of the 6s, with the 6s Plus teardown to commence at a later stage.
As we have come to expect from the “S” range the 6S features a largely similar internal design to the iPhone 6, which is to be expected considering the nearly identical exterior design. There is, however, an added Taptic Engine for the new 3D Touch capability of the device. The Apple Watch also features a Taptic Engine for its Force Touch feature. In the image below, you can see that the 6s features a slightly smaller battery to make room for the new Taptic Engine. The 6s packs a 1715mAh battery compared to the 1810mAh battery found in the iPhone 6 (interesting).
Other intersting observations from the 6S tear down include:
- The display unit now ways 60 grams, a 15 increase over the 6. This is due to the new capacitive sensors added for 3D Touch. This was initially discovered after Apple unveiled the device earlier this month.
- The display assembly connection has been condensed into three cables, down from four in the iPhone 6.
- No hardware evidence to confirm Apple‘s claims that Touch ID is faster this time around.
Watch out for more on the iFixit tear down of the iPhone 6S Plus.
Source: 9to5Mac
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