Startup PublicBeta gains self funded $100K

PublicBeta founder Adii Pienaar
PublicBeta founder Adii Pienaar

Startup PublicBeta has injected $100, 000 of its own money into the project that is set to launch in Q4 of 2013.
The announcement of the funds came from PublicBeta founder Adii Pienaar, founder of WooThemes, a leading WordPress theme and plugin provider, who explains the investment of his own money into the project.
PublicBeta positions itself as an online education community that helps entrepreneurs by getting other very successful entrepreneurs to share their experiences, tips, tricks and techniques that have lead them to where they are.
In the blog, Pienaar shares his journey to PublicBeta (including the failure along the way of Radiiate), the name for which took him all of 30 minutes to decide on.
A self-confessed organic/MVP/bootstrap-minded entrepreneur, when it came to a new startup idea post WooThemes, Piennaar started head-hunting a potential CTO, lined-up potential investors, learned about the technical aspects of his new eCommerce venture and even realised synergies with WooThemes. He was on his way.
Although “an obvious idea to pursue” after three months he pulled the plug realising that the original project was more about the size of the opportunity than his passion for it.
It was when he began to start from scratch that Pienaar came to PublicBeta, something that he says is “very close to me, my heart and my passion” – a project that better reflects the kind of entrepreneur he is and allows him to exercise his ability to do it on his own without external funding, leading to the decision of the significant donation.
And now, with the life line that it needs, accompanied by Pienaar’s passion and natural self doubt about whether PublicBeta can actually replicate the success of WooThemes, we wait, and watch for its launch date to arrive.
According to Pienaar, “self-funding and bootstrapping PublicBeta is my way of conquering that fear and self-doubt.”
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