App of the Week: Ninite – Easily install all your Apps in one Go

The few of us who regularly reinstall everything on PC already know the process – reinstall Windows, then head over to every website to install all the apps you use. For example, you head and download iTunes. You head to Mozilla to get the latest Firefox, same for Chrome, same for Skype etc. What a mission! Of course, you can go and store the installer files on a flashdisk, but that does not ensure you get the latest versions of the software.
Ninite is a tool that has been around for a while already, both on Windows and Linux. I tried out the Windows version, and I have to say from now on it will be part of the procedure of setting up a new machine. Provided you have an internet connection, Ninite is a treat to use. Head over to and then just choose the apps you want to install on your machine. The list is quite large, but all the essentials are there like browsers (yes the latest Firefox and Chrome is there, just not IE9?), instant messengers, media players, antivirus etc. You tick the boxes you want, and then you get a small file that you run from your machine.

Just like that Ninite starts downloading the latest installer files for all those apps, and installs them for you – you just sit back and wait. No need to click next, confirm, next, OK etc. I chose my apps, and 15 minutes later everything was installed. Brilliant.
You can also use Ninite to keep all your apps up to date – you can keep that installer file on your machine, then just run it every few weeks. If there is a new version of any of your installed software, it will get it for you.
Another cool feature is that URL’s to Ninite can be shared – so if you want to help someone get the right apps to install on their machines, you can just send them a written out URL like: The user will then instantly get Dropbox and Skype.
Only one part bothered me about Ninite – it needs to get IE9 as well on its list of browsers. While many people do not like Internet Explorer, I believe its a necessary install, even if its just for the security enhancements.
If you want to try Ninite, head over to