Google Zeitgeist – iPhone4 outranks Justin Bieber

Apple‘s recently launched (in SA) iPhone4, has received greater internet search interest than teen pop sensation, Justin Bieber, reveals Google Zeitgeist. SA‘s fascination with the latest gadgets is clearly evident, with iPhone4 topping the list of fastest rising searches from the last seven days, while Bieber claims the number five spot. The YouTube star got SA teenyboppers in a flat spin last week, when he breezed into the country for some “˜rest and relaxation‘.
Heritage Day and the ANC are placed second and third respectively, followed by Kulula. Idols, a perennial favourite for the rankings, still makes an appearance at number seven, as the country counts down to the final winner being announced in a few weeks time.
Fastest rising web searches, South Africa, last 7 days:

Lady Gaga‘s “˜scandalous‘ meat dress, which she wore at the MTV Music Awards, has stolen first place on the list of fastest rising image searches in September, while Bees Roux remains the top newsmaker for the month. He is followed by ANC Youth League Leader, Julius Malema; the Blue Bulls; President Zuma; the Currie Cup; and controversial Bok coach, Pieter de Villiers.
Fastest rising image searches, South Africa, last 30 days

Fastest rising news searches, South Africa, last 30 days

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Zeitgeist Explained
Google reveals the internet “Zeitgeist” (German for “the spirit of the times”) through an exploration of the billions of search queries we receive each year. We also have several tools that give insight into global, regional, past and present search trends. Google Zeitgeist tools can never be used to identify individual users because we rely on anonymized, aggregated counts of how often certain search queries occur over time. These tools are available year-round for you to play with, explore, and learn from.  You can create your own lists and rankings on