The FCC has been questioning who has been behind the termination and rejection of Google applications from the App Store — to be more exact the rejection of the Google Voice Mobile (a VOIP solution for mobile phones that offers free text messages and really cheap international calls) by Apple, from last week.
It is pretty obvious that Apple was prompted to react the way it did owing to the persuasion coming from the AT&T camp but it never realized that they’ll have to come up with an explanation for all these. The answer could be that Apple is yet to recognize Voice as an application and not as a service, but then why did Skype get a preferential treatment?
Also, there is chance that both Apple and AT&T want to curtail the rise of the VoIP inside of WiFi hotspots on mobile devices. But then again, the allowance to Skype hints double-standards for Skype has a business favor as it is purchasing some of their US termination from AT&T.
The answers sure might be kept confidential but we will still get a lot to know from this development and we are delighted over FCC to stamp its authority by intruding in a way it always should.
[via Pulver]