Gmail Upstages YouTube, Gets in Top10 Visited Sites by US users

Since there are many people that couldn’t imagine a day without checking their mail accounts on google, the fact that Gmail is becoming more and more popular, doesn’t come as a surprise.
Significant as they indicate the “weight” of some of the most popular websites, reports showed that in the last few weeks, Americans have accessed Gmail more than before. Much more! Actually, the popular mail service made it to the top10 list by demoting YouTube. The market share of visits to Gmail has increased 70% by March 7, 2009, compared to the same time last year– while YouTube has seen a relatively low growth of just 16% in the same period.
Gmail holds 0.92% of the dynamic market share currently, while close on its heel is YouTube at the 11th spot with 0.87% of the share.
With most referrers from Google (48.83%), Faceboook (4.37%) and Yahoo! Mail (4.29%) and with the fast growing of other social networks (smells like Twitter), Gmail is expected to settle the YouTube war in a matter of a weeks and plans to take on its next rivals, MSN & Yahoo! Search.
Are you surprised?