Digg Toolbar Spotted in the Wild – Takes on StumbleUpon?

It seems that Digg is aggressively going after StumbleUpon and other similar sites as it now feels that a toolbar is essential to help make it more popular and win over people that are not yet addicted to the Digging phenomenon.
Nevertheless with pros and cons, a beta tester uncovered an early version of the toolbar that lets you Digg or Bury the page you are on, shows how many votes it got and allows you to share the page using Facebook, Twitter or via email. But the feature that Digg seems to have highlighted is the “˜Random‘ button that takes you to a page depending on your previous Diggs and activity on the site (probably using the recommendation engine).
Digg fans and other users will obviously love the convenience of this as it takes away from the whole arduous process present right now and puts it in the StumbleUpon mode. With a shortened URL that looks like http://digg.com/xxxxxx (six-character code), the toolbar is not an add-on to the browser, but a large i-frame around the page you are viewing. Just click on the cross and it vanishes.
Cool and easy to use, the final version seems to be far from getting live.